Friday, March 21, 2008


This blog is going to make several generalizations about Germans. Not all Germans are like the people that I am about to portray. However, I have found the following to be true more often than not.

Religion is a very interesting topic to talk about in Germany. Germans tend to be very oppinionated, they think their oppinion is always correct, and they love to debate! Sometimes this fact can get irritating. However, it makes it possible and easy to talk to Germans about religion. In general, Germans love to debate about religion and politics, so they will not be offended if you bring up the topic. Whether they actually take what I say to heart is a whole different matter, but that's up to the Holy Spirit. I have discovered through many discussions with Germans that the German attitute toward religion tends to be very superficial. Many people will tell you that they are evangelical or catholic because they have been baptized and confirmed. However, they will go on to say things like, "God is in everything, It doesn't matter which God you believe in, or Jesus was just a good example, not a Savior" My host mom has both said that she is Evangelical and an Athiest. She is not sure what will happen after she dies, but she thinks that maybe she will be reincarnated. It is really sad to talk to so many people who claim to be "Evangelical," but who have no clue. At the same time, I am thankful for the opportunity to share the wonderful reason for my hope.

I think that the government might have something to do with the superficiality of religion. Everyone in Germany has to have a religion. When we applied for our temporary residence permits we had to list our religion right along side our nationality and date of birth. Apparently, everyone has to pay a church tax to the religion of their choice. Those who don't pay the church tax can't have their babies baptized, can't get married in the church, and can't have a funeral service in the church.

I have also had several Germans tell me that their beliefs are in their hearts. Their belief is their private business. Therefore, they see no need for churches. This attitute explains the empty churches with the majority of attendence by people over 60.

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